Have you been to your local dealership lately to check out the price of a duplicate or replacement car key? If so, you have undoubtedly experienced sticker shock like never before. Dealers charge anywhere from $150 to $1,500 for keys depending on the vehicle.
After becoming aware of dealership prices, you undoubtedly began searching online for a more affordable option. Websites such as Ebay and Amazon list automotive keys for very low prices which seem too good to be true. In most cases, they are too good to be true. The keys sold on Ebay and Amazon are designed and manufactured in China with very poor quality materials and chips. More often than not, the remotes and chips in these keys are unable to be programmed into your vehicle's computer. Other times, the situation can be even worse.
Recently a customer wandered into our shop with an internet purchased key which was marketed as a 2012 Subaru Impreza key. We noticed the "G" on the key blade was absent and attempted to persuade the customer to purchase one of our keys instead. The customer quickly declined our offer and stated he would like the key he purchased online cut and programmed into the vehicle.
After once again warning the customer of the dangers, scanning the key, and being released of all liability, we proceeded to cut and program the key. On completion of programming, our programming device informed us the key was successfully loaded into the vehicle memory. When attempting to start the car with the newly programmed key, it would not start. We then attempted to start the car with his original key.... It would not start.
The car was towed to the local Subaru dealership and we were told the key information on the internet purchased key was corrupt. The dealership was forced to remove the vehicle computer and instrument cluster and send it off to be reprogrammed. Two weeks and $1,483.00 later, the customer had his car back.
Our cars are one of our largest personal investments. Attempting to follow the cheapest path is not always the best and most cost effective path. If you are unwilling to pay dealership prices, a locksmith is your best option. Locksmiths purchase quality keys from reputable sources. Why gamble with your investment?