If you are the owner of an Acura, Honda, Lexus, Toyota, or Saab vehicle manufactured between 1997 and 2009, it is important you ensure you have a spare key for your vehicle. If all keys are lost for any of the below listed vehicles, the dealer cost to replace keys runs between $1,500 and $2,000.
The reason the cost is so high is due to the immobilizer systems which were used during manufacturing. The systems do not allow new keys to be added simply like newer vehicles. The dealer must replace the ECU, immobilizer, or both in order to provide new keys.
Until now, having your vehicle towed to the dealer and paying up to $2,000 was your only option. Key Man Lock & Safe Company with locations in Ogden, UT and Layton, UT now have the solution to your problem.
Key Man Lock & Safe Company posses the knowledge, ability, and tools required to remove your ECU and flash it. This returns your ECU to a like new condition just as it was when it was on the assembly line. Once the ECU has been flashed, it is possible for new keys to be added to the vehicle. Key Man provides this service at a mere fraction of the dealer cost.
Key Man Lock & Safe Company is the only locksmith in Utah providing ECU flashing and one of the few in the country. Other locksmiths who claim to do ECU flashing remove your ECU and ship it out of state for 3rd party flashing. This requires around one week before your ECU is returned and your vehicle can be driven.
Key Man Lock & Safe Company provides same day service and has you back on the road quickly.
Key Man Lock & Safe Company is the top automotive locksmith in the state of Utah and one of the top in the United States. The technology Key Man utilizes is literally decades ahead of other locksmiths and dealerships in Utah as most is developed by their Master Locksmith who is a certified electro-mechanical engineer and another Key Man automotive locksmith who possesses an MBA in Information Technology. As fast as automotive systems advance, Key Man develops new techniques and software. Stop by or call us at 801-675-5277 today for the best prices and service in Utah.
Below is a complete list of all vehicles which require flashing when all keys are lost:
Make /Mode /Years
NSX 1997-2004
Honda Prelude1996-2004
ES300 1998-2003
ES330 2004
GS300 1998-2004
GS400 1998-2000
GS430 2001-2003
GX470 2003-2004
IS300 2001-2003
LS400 1997
LS400 1998-2000
LS430 2001-2004
LX470 1998-2004
RX300 1999-2003
RX330 2004
SC300 1998-2000
SC400 1998-2000
SC430 2002-2003
93 2003-2009
Avalon 1998-2003
FJ Cruiser
Highlander 2001-2003
MR2 2001-2003
Prius 2001-2004
RAV4 2002-2003
Sequoia 2001+
Sienna 1998-2004
Solara 1998-2004
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