Does your Mercedes key fail to turn in your ignition? Does your key turn, but the steering wheel does not unlock and the car does not start? This is a common and serious problem with Mercedes vehicles. The majority of the time it is a faulty ELV / ELS (electronic steering wheel lock). It gets worse, the Mercedes dealership charges between $2,000 and $4,000 for parts and labor to repair this issue.
DO NOT pay the dealership fee for this repair! Key Man Lock & Safe in Ogden, Utah can repair your ELV / ESL for a fraction of the cost and time.
Our Automotive Master Locksmith and Advanced Automotive Locksmiths have completed hundreds of hours of training on Mercedes vehicles.
We are the only locksmith in the State of Utah trained and certified to code and program keys to Mercedes vehicles and work on ELV / ESL issues.
If you are experiencing issues, call us at (801) 675-5277 or stop by our Ogden, UT location at 2050 Wall Ave. Ste. 1 Ogden, UT 84401 and discover why we are Utah's #1 award winning automotive locksmith.
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