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Glenn L.

Master Keying Vs Keyed Alike

Key Man Lock & safe Company located at 128 20th St. Ogden, UT 84401 offers several keying options for both homes and businesses.

We receive frequent telephone calls from customers who are confused with the terms "Master Keying" and "Keyed Alike". We offer both master keying and keyed alike as well as keyed different to our customers.

Master keying is most commonly used in businesses and apartment complexes. Master keying allows one key, a master key to open all doors in the business or apartment complex while allowing each door or apartment to have a key of its own. Included in a master key system, might be a sub master key which does not open all doors, but instead a group of doors. Customers may choose how they would like their master key system laid out and Key Man Lock & Safe will design the system.

When choosing to have your facility master keyed, a Key Man locksmith will visit your facility in advance and ascertain which doors you would like to fit what key. At that time our locksmith will label all doors in preparation for keying. We then design your system and cut and stamp your keys. Upon completion we provide you with all keys and a key list describing what each key unlocks.

"Keying Alike" is a simple process. When keying all lock alike, a Key Man Locksmith comes to your location and keys all of your locks to fit one key. This is the simplest and least expensive option for homeowners and can generally be completed the same day you call us.

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